The Roadmap contains an extensive analysis of what circular construction actually entails and how the degree of circular construction can be measured quantitatively and qualitatively. The Roadmap then offers a practical introduction to designing a circular tender. It contains 32 performance-based criteria that can be used to steer urban development in a circular direction. Depending on, among other things, area characteristics, ambitions and policy choices, the criteria for the tender of the project in question can be selected in four steps.
There is no such thing as a short and unequivocal explanation of what the circular economy entails. There are over 114 definitions alone. The circular practice comprises several themes that are applied simultaneously or separately:
sustainability based on energy saving, reduction of CO² emissions, energy from renewable sources (green component);
reuse of products and raw materials based on the basic principles of reduce, re-use and recycle, prevention of waste and harmful emissions to soil, water and air;
social sustainability, based on health (blue component);
new revenue models and partnerships.